Joburg grew rapidly after the discovery of gold

ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: South Africa 1867 – 1910: Political Effects

  • The need to control diamond and gold mines led to conflict between the British an the Boer in the Anglo-Boer wars of 1880-1881 and 1899-1902
  • South Africa was united in 1910 when Natal, Orange Free State, the Cape and Transvaal were brought together to form South Africa
  • Rhodes believed that there was a second Rand in Zimbabwe and this led to the colonization of Zimbabwe by Britain
  • There were high levels of racial segregation in all sectors in South Africa
  • The Boers did not want to grant Africans privileges
  • Oppressive laws such as the 1913 Labour Act were put in place
  • Towns such as Kimberly and Johannesburg grew rapidly

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