Robert Mugabe the Current President of Zimbabwe and leader of the executive

ZIMSEC O Level History Notes: The Constitution of Zimbabwe: Executive Functions

Executive functions of President and Cabinet

  • The President has the powers conferred by this Constitution and by any Act of
    Parliament or other law, including those necessary to exercise the functions of
    Head of State
  • The President is responsible for:
    1. Assenting to and signing Bills
    2. Referring a Bill to the Constitutional Court for an opinion or advice on its constitutionality
    3. Summoning the National Assembly, the Senate or Parliament to an extraordinary sitting to conduct special business
    4. Making appointments which the Constitution or legislation requires the President to make
    5. Calling elections in terms of this Constitution
    6. Calling referendums on any matter in accordance with the law
    7. Deploying the Defence Forces
    8. Appointing ambassadors, delegates, and diplomatic and consular
    9. Receiving and recognising foreign diplomatic and consular representatives
  • The Cabinet is responsible for:
    1. Directing the operations of Government
    2. Conducting Government business in Parliament
    3. Preparing, initiating and implementing national legislation
    4. Developing and implementing national policy
    5. Advising the President

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