Investigating the rusting or iron

Investigating the rusting or iron

ZIMSEC O Level Combined Science Notes: Coating metals/Protecting metals from corrosion

  • Steel has many uses for example construction and to make utensiles
  • This is because it is cheap and strong
  • It is however susceptible to rusting
  • This is because it combines with the oxygen in the air
  • This results in the formation of iron oxide which is soft and crumbles
  • Like steel other metals also corrode when they are exposed to air
  • To ensure the strength, cleanliness and usefulness of steel and these metals
  • Several ways are used to stop, prevent and minimize rusting and corrosion
  • These methods include:
  • Galvanising
  • Electroplating using copper, tin, chrome or nickel
  • Oiling
  • and painting

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