Sand, Loam and Clay soil samples. Image credit

Sand, Loam and Clay soil samples. Image credit

ZIMSEC O Level Combined Science Notes: Comparing the air content of soils


Materials: small tin cans, measuring cylinders, water, samples of clay, sandy and loam soils, hammer, nail


  • Fill an empty tin can with water and pour this into a measuring cylinder
  • Record the volume and call it volume A
  • Punch holes into the bottom of the can and push the can into the soil, open end fist, until the bottom of the can is level with the ground
  • Dig away the surrounding soil and carefully remote the tin can with its soil intact
  • Pour the soil into the measuring cylinder and allow the air bubbles to escape. Record the volume and call this volume B
  • The volume of air is the soil is calculated using the formula:
  • V=2A-B
  • The percentage is calculated using the formula:
  • (V/A)x100


  • Sandy soils have more air volume than clay and loamy soils
  • Clay soils have the least amount of air content

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