Elements arranged according to their proton number. Image credit wallpapercave.com

Elements arranged according to their proton number. Image credit wallpapercave.com

ZIMSEC O Level Combined Science Notes: Elements and the proton number

  • The atoms of different elements are different from each other
  • This is because they have different numbers of protons and neutrons
  • Each element is made up of only one type of atom
  • Atoms of different elements also have a different mass and size
  • For example a carbon atom is 12 times heavier than a hydrogen atom
  • The number of protons in the nucleus is known as the proton number
  • The simplest atom is that of hydrogen which has the proton number of one
  • It has one proton in the nucleus and no neutrons
  • It electronically neutral as the proton is balanced by one electronic
  • Helium comes next with two protons, two electrons and two neutrons

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